
Tuesday, August 19, 2008

[Thrift Your Way To Exclusivety]

Secondhand, thrift, pre-owned. All adjectives to describe a type of store. Thrift Stores, V.V.A., V.O.A, Goodwill. It can a few minutes or as long as a fewhours to go through the vast racks of clothes found in area thrift stores. But, when you do find that exclusive garment circa the 80s or early 90s it feels so good, a real ground-score. I can think back over the summer to more than a few exclusives I got at various thrift stores around the 585. The Irulan Emerson(personal name tag inside of shirt) button-down I got with the mother of pearl buttons. The blank Boston Celtic colored Starter jacket, that will be transformed into a D.E.L.I. Ent. jacket. And the Monroe County Ice Storm of '91 t-shirt. So, don't be afraid to explore these graveyards of clothes because these garments can be brought back to life. You get used to the musky smell, and when you come back with something you never thought you'd see again, the feeling of knowing your gonna crush that shit is overwhelming, more so than that fresh piece you just bought at the mall.

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